Who we are

The “Rez Roots” Artist Collective was formed in the winter of 2024, by artists primarily living and creating within the Oglala Lakota homelands (the Pine Ridge reservation & He Sapa territory). The intentions of this collective are to enrich cultural continuums and establish sincere opportunities that inspire the practice of creative lifestyles. The purpose of this collective is to uplift creative community and strengthen intergenerational relationships through art & creation. The collective is inclusive to creative urgency and community action. Founding members include: Maiki Ghost Bear (Oglala Lakota), Pte San Win Little Whiteman (Oglala Lakota), Marina Moon, Dora Red Owl (Oglala Lakota), Celestine Stadnick (Oglala Lakota), Nathaniel Ruleaux (Oglala Lakota), and Keith BraveHeart (Oglala Lakota)

Our Purpose

To all our creative relatives and for all creative relatives reaching out,

Empowering Creative Growth for a Collective Spirit.

Inspire and Uplift our Creative Communities.

Nourishing our Artistic Ability

& Cultural Enrichment.

As one


to another.

Encouraging Cultures &

Opportunities for Artistic Impact.

Vital Connections through Art and Expression.

Supporting Space for the Creative Spirit to take Root.

Contact us

Interested in working together or becoming a member? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!