Rez Roots Artist Collective

“The Promise Of Roots”

A Community Art Exhibition

Opening across Oglala Lakota homelands - Summer 2025


Deadline to Submit: May 7, 2025

Curators Statement of Exhibition Theme

Big trees connect their roots to seeds of kind soil, intergenerationally woven with the promise of roots.

In these bonds we find our inspiration, impact, and growth.

We call out to all our creative relatives across Oglala Lakota homelands to share their

stories of being and collective strengthening, through visual expressions, writings, or any

other sincere imagery. With this community art exhibition, we aim to expand our

relationships through art, nurture creativity, and enrich our communities.

Submission Requirements

1. ONE Submission Per Person.

2. Submission must be created by the person submitting.

3. Submission to be a Digital File (image, picture, text document), with an image

resolution of 300dpi. [acceptable files: JPEG, PNG, PDF]

4. Submission Form must be completed and signed, and emailed to (by May 7, 2025).

Selection Process

1. Submissions will be reviewed by the Rez Roots Artist Collective (curators) to seek alignment with Exhibition Representation.

2. Notification of selection will be sent via email or phone contact provided.

3. Selected submissions (artists / creatives) will receive a $50 (cash) honorarium for allowing the use of their artwork / creation.

Exhibition Format 1: Traveling Community Art Exhibit - Prints

1. Selected images will be printed through sublimation onto aluminum panels

(11x14 inches) for physical exhibition.

2. No actual artworks / creations will be handled or received (unless assisted by the

Rez Roots Artist Collective to enhance photo of image).

3. [Traveling] Community Art Exhibition to open at the Oglala Lakota Artspace

(Kyle, SD) in Summer 2025 (opening and closing dates to be determined).

4. [Traveling] Community Art Exhibition will travel to venues (locations) across the

Oglala Lakota homelands beginning in Fall 2025. Venues may include: college

centers, schools, businesses, community centers, or other.

5. Estimated duration of [Traveling] Community Art Exhibit:

Summer 2025 -Summer 2027.

Exhibition Format 2: Online Community Art Exhibit - Digital

1. Selected images will be uploaded to the Rez Roots Artist Collective website for

online exhibition.

2. [Online] Community Art Exhibition to go live Summer 2025 (opening and closing

dates to be determined).

3. Estimated duration of [Online] Community Art Exhibit: Summer 2025 - Summer


Rez Roots Artist Collective will provide a day-long session for photo enhancements at

the Oglala Lakota Artpace (date to be determined). Artists / Creatives may notify the

Rez Roots Artist Collect (, if they need assistance

with photography artworks / creations.

Exhibition Representation

Open to any & all tribal artists/creatives residing on Oglala Lakota homelands.

Exhibition selection will be based on the curatorial focus of complete representation from all Oglala Lakota districts and age groups (listed below).

A minimum of 70 works will be accepted for the exhibition.

Age Groups

(To Be Listed on Submission Form)

1. 9 and under

2. 10-19

3. 20-29

4. 30-39

5. 40-49

6. 50-59

7. 60 and over

Homeland Districts

(To be Listed on Submission Form)

1. Eagle Nest (Wanblee, Lost Dog)

2. LaCreek (Martin)

3. Pass Creek (Allen, Yellow Bear)

4. Pine Ridge Village (Pine Ridge, Calico, Slim Buttes)

5. Porcupine (Porcupine, Evergreen, Rockyford, Thunder Valley)

6. Medicine Root (Kyle, American Horse Creek, Potato Creek)

7. Wakpamni (Batesland)

8. White Clay (Oglala, Red Shirt)

9. Wounded Knee (Wounded Knee, Manderson)

10. *He Sapa (Rapid City, Black Hills area)

*Submissions are open to artists/creatives who consider He Sapa their primary


Copyright & Media

All copyrights belong to artists / creatives.

Rez Roots Artist Collective will not reproduce images or creative content submitted.

Printed submissions will be gifted back to artists / creatives at the conclusion of the


By signing this Submission Form, the artist / creative gives permission to the Rez Roots

Artist Collective to use their submitted image (in totality, detail, or exhibition), only for the

purposes of publicity, promotion, and/or documentation.

Contact & Assistance

Maiki Ghost Bear / Marina Moon / Keith Brave Heart