CALL FOR ART-Deadline to Submit: May 7, 2025

“The Promise Of Roots”

A Community Art Exhibition

Opening across Oglala Lakota homelands - Summer 2025

Curators Statement of Exhibition Theme

Big trees connect their roots to seeds of kind soil, intergenerationally woven with the promise of roots.

In these bonds we find our inspiration, impact, and growth.

We call out to all our creative relatives across Oglala Lakota homelands to share their

stories of being and collective strengthening, through visual expressions, writings, or any

other sincere imagery. With this community art exhibition, we aim to expand our

relationships through art, nurture creativity, and enrich our communities.

Our Purpose

To all our creative relatives and for all creative relatives reaching out,

Empowering Creative Growth for a Collective Spirit.

Inspire and Uplift our Creative Communities.

Nourishing our Artistic Ability

& Cultural Enrichment.

As one


to another.

Encouraging Cultures &

Opportunities for Artistic Impact.

Vital Connections through Art and Expression.

Supporting Space for the Creative Spirit to take Root.

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